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Regulation A

Legal - How to Choose

Out of all the services you will need to undertake a Reg A+ or Reg CF campaign, the legal side may have the widest variety of service providers and cost ranges. It is important to get this choice right as these services can cost a lot of money. 

Accountants - What to ask

There are a lot of accountants that service the Reg CF and Reg A+ industry, but not all of them are created equal.  While the standards and principles are the same for all firms, there are firms that are better suited for certain situations.  Here are some things you should ask and why.

The Decision to use a Broker-Dealer for Reg A+

Many Reg A+ issuers struggle with the decision to use a broker-dealer as part of their offering.  There are cases for and against why you should or should not use one. 


Reg CF or Reg A+ - How to Choose

Choosing between Reg A+ and Reg CF isn't always an obvious choice.  They have drastically different requirements and potential outcomes but often companies get hung up on which mechanism to utilize. 
